Clear Dual-Pocket Security Bag


Safeguard your after-hours deposits with heavy duty bags that meet all Federal Reserve guidelines! Ultra-level tamper-evident closure provides the highest degree of security to protect against theft and alteration. Ensure smooth processing and reduce the risk of errors by using a Security Bag Endorsement Stamp to imprint your banking information easily and accurately. Dual pocket high security deposit bags made from all clear #4 recyclable plastic. 9" W x 12" D

Clear White/Blue/Orange

Banking, Money
Decoration not included in price.

Production Time: Normal Delivery Time is 3 to 4 weeks depending on Item and Quantities

Packaging: Bulk

Shipping Point: 60018 (Illinois, United States)

Quantity: 100 200 300 400 500 1,000
Incl CameraReady art: $0.593 $0.58 $0.571 $0.556 $0.556 $0.547
Setup Charge: $35.00. Additional charges may apply.