Legato Vase


Introducing the Legato Vase series, a nautical ode to craftsmanship in non-leaded, hand-blown European crystal. Each vase features a delicately etched design, a beacon of elegance for any decor. As awards or as decorative elements, these vases embody grace and the clear, unfettered beauty. Ideal for those who value the artistry of hand-crafted crystal, the Legato Vase adds a touch of charm to any collection or occasion. 6" W x 9.75" H x 6" D


Award, Business, Golf, Sports
3" W x 3" H

Production Time: Please inquire

Packaging: Bulk

Shipping Point: Unknown

Quantity: 1 6 26
Your Price (each): $90.00 $82.80 $74.40
Additional charges may apply.