Art Requirements

Artwork may be provided as hard copy, film positive, on disk, or via email to your salesperson.  Files sent via email must not exceed 5MB.


Production delays can occur when digital artwork is provided in the wrong format.  Much time can be lost with efforts to convert files that are submitted without following the information guidelines below.  Please contact us if you have any questions about the suitability of your digital files or any of our format requirements.  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you also mail or fax a hard copy of the artwork and any special instructions.  Please indicate your sales order number on the artwork if you know it.

Artwork is only as good as you provide. Simply because the art file is an EPS or TIFF format does not mean it will be clean and useable.  Faxed, scanned or art which has been reproduced numerous times will not improve and will not look its best without additional clean up efforts.  Please do not submit web graphics as they are produced in a resolution setting (generally 72 dpi) that is too low for our processes to reproduce attractively.

We reserve the right to refuse any artwork that will not meet our standards of product quality when reproduced with our equipment and processes.

Preferred Bitmap Formats
tif / .bmp / .cpt / .jpg / .gif

Preferred Vector Based Formats
cdr / .ai / .eps / .cmx / .dxf / .plt

Preferred Programs
CorelDraw 13.0 or Lower
Adobe Illustrator CS3 or lower - Must save graphics as Adobe Illus. 7.0, all text must be converted to outlines.
PhotoShop CS3 or lower

Image Resolution
Image resolution should be a minimum of 300 dpi and 5"x 5" insize for best reproduction

File Information
You must include all EPS or TIFF files used for the job. We can also accept compressed (.zip) files.  Files sent via must be no exceed 5MB.

When assigning a color to art or text, please use PMS or CMYK colors.  This will work for process or spot colors.

NOTE: Following these instructions does not guarantee the art will output. If any of the above is not possible, please send in Camera Ready Art (film or slick), 600 dpi or greater. DO NOT SEND AN ORIGINAL FILE - make a COPY!

Artwork billed at $35.00 per hour (ART1). Minimum art charge is $35.00

Digitized Logos billed at $60.00 per hour (LOGOSET).

