(419) 616-6008
Dec 4, 2024
When it's time to choose the perfect lanyard for your company or organization, you may not be aware of all the things to consider when purchasing your new supplies. Lanyards come in many different ...
Continue ReadingJan 9, 2024
Sometimes life gets hard. You don't have to work a night shift from Monday to Sunday to agree with that statement. Even the most effortless of jobs, those we believe to have truly mastered, can ge...
Continue ReadingSep 3, 2023
Organizing a fundraising event. Donating food to a local animal shelter. Serving at a soup kitchen. No matter what you do to give back, volunteering feels pretty good, doesn't it? But it doesn't h...
Continue ReadingJul 23, 2023
Customer experience can make or break your company. How you and your employees treat customers directly reflects your brand's values. But the truth is, positive customer experiences can be difficul...
Continue ReadingMar 1, 2023
It can be hard to communicate with a design team on a project when the designers speak their very own language. That's why we have a rundown of words you may come across frequently that can save yo...
Continue ReadingNov 6, 2022
Stories are powerful. From sharing stories around the campfire to writing fictional novels, storytelling has connected people together for thousands of years. But, have you ever considered storyte...
Continue ReadingSep 9, 2022
Many people agree that there is a high demand to diversify the workforce with young specialists bearing fresh ideas and new perspectives. Furthermore, we need to prepare this growing generation for...
Continue ReadingMar 7, 2022
Promotional products aren't just for niche industry operations. Whether you are a small organization looking to grow your business, or an established company wanting to reach a new market, a produc...
Continue ReadingJan 24, 2022
A logo is often a company's first impression and it can impact a customer's perception, purchase decisions and overall attitude toward your company. A logo is a symbol or graphic element that repre...
Continue ReadingDec 26, 2021
Have you ever had this conversation before? Them: "How are you?" You: "Yes." Or have you ever been in a meeting and realized you zoned out halfway through? Or how about when you're at the movie...
Continue ReadingOct 16, 2021
If you've ever run a 5k or attended a basketball game, chances are you've got a promotional shirt in your drawers somewhere. According to PPAI's 2019 Consumer Study, wearables are the #1 most popul...
Continue ReadingAug 20, 2021
Do you ever find that no matter how hard you're working, you're not getting the results you want? You put in the long hours at the office, you answer every email, you skip lunch, and yet you're sti...
Continue ReadingNov 21, 2020
You put together the business plan, signed the lease, designed an informative website and…*crickets*. It can be pretty discouraging when you put in the effort, but you're not attracting yo...
Continue ReadingSep 12, 2020
As business owners, it's crucial to understand the trends that affect your industry and your company. Each day, you consume an incredible amount of data, statistics, and research. However, it's als...
Continue ReadingApr 8, 2020
We're all familiar with the stereotypes that characterize the millennial generation- avocado toast, “killing” chain restaurants, and being social media obsessed. But what actually defin...
Continue ReadingMar 25, 2020
What generates over 95 million photos and videos each day, 4.2 billion likes daily and has 700 million active users? You guessed it – Instagram. This photo and video sharing social platform h...
Continue ReadingMar 11, 2020
It's the moment you dread. The phone call you don't want to pick up. The review you're scared to address. Responding to unhappy customers seems like a chore. It can be overwhelming and humiliatin...
Continue ReadingFeb 25, 2020
During times of growing uncertainty in the global markets, customers are becoming more and more interested in purchasing American-made items. Buying American-made is about more than just patriotism...
Continue ReadingDec 2, 2019
You encounter promo products every single day. You hold them, wear them, and maybe even smell them. But, did you know every one of these products goes through an extensive design process, whether t...
Continue ReadingNov 4, 2019
With more and more people preferring to conduct business exclusively online, a user-friendly website isn't just desirable, it's required if you want to be successful. These seven tips will help you...
Continue ReadingSep 8, 2019
We all have a superstar in the office. They're the ones who get all their work done before the deadline, befriend everyone in the office, manage an entire team, and still make it to the gym every d...
Continue ReadingJul 27, 2019
Employee engagement starts the second a new employee walks in the door, so it's important for companies to make a good impression on their first day! The onboarding process shouldn't just be about ...
Continue ReadingMay 31, 2019
When it comes to building a successful company culture, maintaining positive employee attitude is key. Not only are happy employees more productive, but your company is also more likely to attract ...
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